Here is the horse that we ended up is to be a speckled grey and white kind...
Here are the other 3 horses that will accompany ours on this 17th century style push carousel...
Edna's husband made this horse before he passed away a couple years ago and can you believe that it was his first try at cement fondue. As we strolled about the lakeside and took in more beautiful vistas and explored Edna's gourgues garden paths etc...I spotted this fella in the water...
He decided to come out of the water and follow close to my heels to rest of my visit there...I was so enchanted and wanted to bring him home to our own little garden and pond, ha ha. I never ever tire of ducks, they are one of my most favourite creatures and I am blessed to live in a place where they are pretty plentiful. I take tons of photos whenever I see them and I can never take enough...people seem to not understand why or how I can sit for hours on end just watching a group of ducks...I think to me they symbolize peace, beauty and the complex yet very simple connection to our substrate, the earth.
As we were about to leave, we heard this squeaky cry coming from the end of the dock...and just a few seconds earlier I had seen something long and lanky swimming in the water out of the corner of my eye. Well I snuck to the end of the dock, listening and interested in what was making such a sweet little cry and to my amazement it was a mink...
He actually crawled up the side of the dock to check me out as I checked him out, and I felt so lucky to be able to snap this heart was just soaring at this point. Later on we saw him or her and it's babies running from the water into a distant flower bed.
I wish I could have taken more photos to show you all...maybe next time. It's truly an artist's paradise with every step and every turn as beautiful as the next. A place where you never feel like you want to leave.
So anyhow, after the Carousel meeting at Edna's place, Arlie and I drove back into town. I joined him at his place for coffee and a chat and again I was inspired and just feel in love with his garden...I couldn't help but take some photos...
Their Koy fish were plentiful and beautiful. There were little colourful benches and secret paths all over, just adorable and sweet little sitting spots which called to me and a pile of books for sure. Little sculptures were hidden all over and well the teapots were just my absolute favourite bit I think...they made this whole yard seem that more inviting.
Thanks for inviting me into your enchanted and lovely worlds Edna and Arlie...I was freshly inspired with every blink. It was a wonderful day.
You know, I was thinking and found it interesting to come to the conclusion that my artistic life in this small city of ours is so so so much more richer and fuller than it ever was when we lived in Toronto for 5 years. I think it's because life here is simpler for everyone, and artists draw on that and take advantage of that to create inspiration all around them, not just on their easels or drawing tables. The artists here welcome you into their worlds much more wholly and they share their trade secrets more readily. The artists here are also supportive of one's like a close knit community with an open embrace and attitude that the more artists and more unique you are, the better. I just love that and as many times as I think about moving away from this home of ours, my heart just feels so happy and light when I come to realizations like this.
Well that's all for work (and garden!) are beckoning me. Be well and Happy Creating.
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