I've been stepping away from my studio and desks abit more than normal the last couple of weeks.
I think I needed a break after my exhibition was hung.
And migraines have been absolutely horrible
I've had some degree of a sore head pretty much every single day for the past 2 months now
and the last 4 days, as a summer storm mounted, I spent mostly in a darkened bedroom.
I even had to leave my mom's b-day party early because I just got too dizzy & had to lie down.
It's been truthfully feeling really hard.
But it finally stormed last night and the pain started to ebb away
and today the pain has broke almost completely!
So I spent the day toggling happily between house cleaning and just roaming our beloved yard,
basking in the wind, letting it blow away the negative of these pain-ridden days...
(even as the pressure is once again building again in the back of my head!)
The whole time I could barely open my eyes I was found myself concentrating on 3 main things.
1) how insanely much I love my partner and how insanely lucky I am to have him
2) how much I love all of our 8 bunnies and how much they bring to my life
and 3) what pictures & projects I couldn't wait to tackle as soon as I was able to get back to work!
So than naturally, I got to thinking about inspiration...
what drives us to push past all of the hardships and crap?
Yesterday, we were watching a CF-18 roar across the sky above our little city.
It was just so very cool.
I couldn't help but think of the pilot in that plane...so amazingly impressive.
(Today is Canada's Armed Forces Appreciation Day...
so he was out practicing for this afternoon's performance).
I couldn't help but wonder what drives these impressive pilots to do what they do.
It can't be all that different from what drives me to want to create even in the midst of horrible pain.
It's such a beautiful thing isn't it?
It takes so many different forms.
(the photos are of the Canadian
Snowbirds. whom we saw a couple summers ago)
it pushes a deeply passionate person to go up against all odds...
it let's us follow our hearts on a winding path...
it blindly leads us to a life of living our bliss.
SO grand, SO complex, SO Simple and such a
Beautiful Thing.
and as elusive as inspiration can sometimes seem to be...I firmly believe it's always present.
What is Inspiring you today???