I was feeling so so hopeful last week when I learnt of Senator Mac Harb's Bill. This is the first time ever that a politician is actually taking the steps and trying to get a new law passed to end the barbaric seal hunt in Canada. If this bill passes, I will finally 100% be able to proudly call myself Canadian...because the greatness of a nation is indeed partly reflected in how they treat that lands animals.
This is the time of year when I walk around heartsick. Any little bit of goodness and happiness is admittedly tainted knowing that the seal hunt begins this week. Knowing that 280,000 harp seal babies will be brutally killed...clubbed to death, skinned alive, or shot and left to die a slow and painful death....the only 'rule' for the murderers is the babies fur has to have begun to 'molt' which is at about 2 weeks old...is truly enough to taint any good day.
Writing this post and about this topic is not easy for me, as I write I want to cry. I want to curl up and hide and shake my head because I simply can not understand a humans need or want to kill an animal. Expressing this ultra sensitive side to all of this is not easy for me. Admitting that during deer season I hole up at home and refuse to drive the roads where I might see deers piled up on some red-necks trucks, is not easy because I like to be or at let pretend that I am strong...but I will bare my soul and beg for your time and efforts, on behalf of the seals and all animals that I feel so connected with and so in love with (and yes more connected to than the mass of humans currently destroying our world).
As for the people who 'engage' in the seal hunt...let's just truly hope that Karma is indeed a bitch!
The only glimmer of light I see in all of this is that IFAW is there for us. They are there for us who care, for those who are too weak to do much and for those not able to bring about change all on our own. Through a joined front, with IFAW, we can hopefully finally make a change. To make a donation to IFAW and help in their continued action please do click here. Jonathan and I are both proud members and any little bit you can give helps out.
We both received our 'action postcards' and will immediately be sending those out, including emails and letters as well. I am writing to you today with hopes that you'll help me and IFAW and all the exquisite precise seals that don't deserve to die in these on-going horrific slaughters.
What can you do to help? which will cost you nothing but a few minutes of your time?
You can CLICK HERE to go straight to IFAW's page to enter your name, etc and send your electronic 'vote/voice'. Canadians...CLICK HERE to send a letter to your local MP. I just filled out both forms. The first will go to all Canadian MP's and the 2nd will go to your regional Canadian MP, for us here in North Bay, it's Anthony Rota.
Senator Harb is trying to fill his office with 200,000 plus action cards, emails and letters in the next few weeks. Each motion of support will represent 1 of the seals murdered in last years seal hunt. Never before has an end to the seal hunt felt so possible, please don't loose on this opportunity to help end it once and for all.
As well as filling out IFAW's forms, please also feel free to leave a 'comment' saying your against the seal hunt and in favour of the Harb Bill on this post, leave your name and location and if I can compile enough of a list, I will gladly forward it to IFAW on behalf of myself & this blog and all of you who care as well. If you do, I thank you so very much in advance.
I know you might be thinking 'what can a letter, or my signature do?' well, it can do alot in showing Parliament that we all care about ending the senseless and needless suffering of an exquisite and beautiful species that we should be inherently and proudly protecting. We can not undo the past, but we can move forward in a united front, we can voice our need for a more positive and kind future...we can strongly send the message that we are not proud to be Canadians until this slaughter ends once and for all.
...as IFAW so brilliantly says "Senator Harb has opened the door...the world is watching...Let's show them what we can do".
Please leave your comment, name and location in this post if you are against the seal hunt and in favour of the Harb Bill. If I can compile enough names, I will gladly forward the list of names to IFAW on behalf of myself, this blog and it's readers to show support of their campaign to end the seal hunt. Thank you so very much for your time. Mandy Saile of Bijou's Whimsy.
Done. Period!
I did send the letter. It's a horrible thing that happens to these poor helpless creatures. Your post made me cry. Thank you for bringing awareness to it. Love,J.
Done! :-D I just read your FB post...have faith...some of us are slow to read our social networking pages! LOL XO MWAH OX
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