...really who can't be happy with adorable little co-workers/bosses like these:D
I am so happy to have my etsy shop added to Rabbit Match's List of Cool Bunny friendly shops...Because indeed bunnies and Easter are a bad mix, so let's spread the word and spread some awareness that bunnies shouldn't be sold at Easter time....bunny's require much care and are not great pets for small children and let's face it proper and good bunnyhood requires planning and research, especially at least for the first timers....Wouldn't you all agree?
...Have a lovely bunny filled day all, see you Monday with a new Beautiful Bird.
I agree with you about not selling bunnies at Easter. They are darling but take lots of care and love. It is like when partents buy sweet little cute puppies at Christmas but don't really think the whole thing through.
Darling bunny pictures.
Have a really fun and happy weekend.
My guess is you better plan on spending $100 a month (many months much less, some much more) if you want to keep a bunny.
I cannot tell you how much I want to reach into your photos and snuggle with your bunny. It seems like you have such a sweet life up there where you are :)
Thanks for the comments guys...Rabbits' Guy, I agree with your estimate, it is likey to be an average of $100 a month pretty much per bunny...if your giving them any medical attention they need or really just the amount of fresh food they need...I do often think that sometimes cats and dogs are slightly easier to care for...espeacially if your like us and don't believe in cageing your bunnies...than throw in the cost of repairing and bunny proofing too and some toys and extra nibblies to keep those destructive little teeth busy, ha ha...
Thanks Lori, maybe someday you'll come for a visit:D...I do have a very sweet life mostly, I am very lucky, though I guess often too alot of work, determination and following my own tune helps out too, ha ha. I am actually headed over to your blog just now XO.
Sweetest pictures Mandy. Just the sweetest.
Bunnies do make the best coworkers.
Little Timmy...what a goof, and sooooo much personality.
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