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Monday, August 23, 2010

An Old Jewel Just Found

Long ago, I must have been 7 or 8 I suppose, my parents and my big brother went to Canada's Wonderland. At the time I wouldn't go anywhere without my best-est doll, which was a cabbage patch kid that I named Tia Celeste, ha ha...Whiles there at Wonderland on a hot sunny summer day with my doll, my parents paid a caricature artist to draw my portrait and my brothers...I remember thinking this was sooo huge, to have my picture drawn and I remember being so so pleased with how he drew me, ha ha...

This is that drawing....I just found it...

Abit worse for wear, abit crinkled and yellowed and faded but a fantastic find nonetheless...I still love it, ha ha...I don't know who the artist was, I can't make out the signature...but wow, what a wonderful treasure to have from my childhood...so I am sending out coodos to that long ago unknown artist and my parents who sweetly had their daughters drawing done:D....

Heh, if any of you guys have drawings, caricatures/portraits of yourselves, post them and then leave your link here in this post...let's get some good memories and heart squeezes going on:D

I have no new work to show you today for we are still on 4 day weekends so my studio time is much less lately and than lasts week we found ourselves happily back in Toronto for a short visit & than recently a bad headache knocked me out of the game for abit once again...I have alot to process, alot of exciting plans that I don't quite know how to go about quite yet, alot to get done, I think my creative engines have stuttered abit, but I'll be back with new work and new plans before probably even I know it, ha ha...have a wonderful day.  XO M.


jacqueline said...

Dearest Mandy, this is gorgeous!! I love your story and how wonderful to find this treasure! have fun and enjoy your long weekend!! Love to yoU!

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what a sweet find! I don't have a caricature from my childhood but thanks for sharing this - made me smile today ♥

Lori said...

How great is that?! It makes me realize that all original art is a treasure that lasts forever. xo

Jonathan said...

...I bet you still have that Cabage-Patch doll somewhere at your parents eh? Wish I had my old toys from when I was a kid...like my tons of lego, and my buckets and buckets of Contructs...and...and...