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Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Grass Box Green

So in the Spring we had to pull out two dead trees which left a whole big area
that needed something so we decided on two tiered planters
one level for us with decorative grass and one level with normal edible grass for the babies.

We did the designing, he did the building, I did the painting, he did the filling, I did the planting.
We were able to fill them all up using our own compost which was satisfying.

We made bets on which bunny would be the first to explore them...I was right...it was Teela.
Than we planted our grasses and waited and waited and waited for things to grow.

And they did, beautifully and easily and quickly.
(my honey even pried all the boardwalk boards off to put them closer together for little bunny feet)
now it's one of the first pit stops when all of the buns get outside and
we love how it compliments the concrete water fountain that we made together ages ago.

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