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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Some Favourite Old Photos Found

I recently found two of my all time most favourite photos. Unfortunately, they are just black and white photocopies that I found, but it's better than nothing. The originals were digital photos, we never got good print outs made and now sadly all of those old photos are gone, which is upsetting because there was alot of imagery of our lives in Toronto with our very first bunny Beanie.

This one is one of my most favourite shots of my handsome sweetheart, Jonathan.
And here is another of my favourites, me taking a snooze on the floor with Beanie in my old studio in our Toronto apartment on Leslie Ave...Ah good bunny-filled old times:D

My best friend Judit is always saying people like to put a face to the name and work. So in that spirit I am sharing these with you today.

1 comment:

Judit Gueth said...

I love these pictures!