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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

New Painting "Flower & Words"

Original painting "Flower & Words", acrylic, coloured pencil, collage on canvas, measures 6" x 6"
Original will be available for purchase shortly.
A print will also be available shortly.

Hi everyone. I've had a few sad days recently which I haven't really felt like talking much about, but my heart feels heavy, so I've been happy to dive into these 'daily paintings' to help ease my mind abit. News of my grandfather in Germany is not good and I am thinking of him constantly and of all my beloved German family actually. I was last in Germany when I was 12 or 13, and though I am 30 years old now and many years have passed since I was last there, I remember many nuances like it was yesterday. Lighting of certain vistas and hills, my grandparents house, smells, sounds and just special feelings of special places and people follow me closely in my heart like I just experienced them yesterday. Even though it's been a couple of years since my dear grandma Katie passed, I can still feel exactly what it was like to hug her, she loved to hug people, she had this sweet little voice, a contagious giggle and a honest to goodness sparkle in her eye...I just adored my grandma and I miss her. To think of my grandpa leaving us soon, with my never getting a chance to spend time with him because we were so far apart, just makes me feel very sad and somehow lost. I've always kept in close contact, writing lots of letters to my Aunt and Grandma, my grandma loved stickers so I'd often send her letters full of sticker sheets. Since she's been gone, I've continued to write to my grandpa with the simple message that though we are miles apart, I've always felt very close at heart.

Well, I am going to get too emotional if I write on about it right now. My message today is a simple one...Love your loved ones well; be kind, have patience, hug lots and let them know often that you care for them. Until tomorrow, be well.

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