The other day I spent the day with my mom and I loved it because I haven't done so in awhile and well I am just very cozy and content at my parents home and having my mom all to myself for abit.
Not to mention the wonderful lunches she always conjures up for us. I know I normally don't show food on my blog but I couldn't resist snapping a shot of our lunch...
It was shrimp with a cream sauce in a dill pastry...yum...avocados in a sesame oil, lime, balsamic dressing sprinkled with sesame seeds...yummm...A big salad with pecans, baby tangerines, apples, poppy seeds and a homemade honey orange vinegrette...yummmmmmm....oh yes and hazelnut coffee and dessert too.
My parents cat Maggie was sitting beside me eyeing my shrimp pastry...
But I had already shared with her half of my breakfast yogurt and figured she had enough milky goodness for the day, ha ha...
And I couldn't resist snapping a few shots of the backyard...usually when I go to my parents we all congregate to the big dining table which is surrounded with windows and sliding glass door and here's the view....
I loved the icicles on my mom's summer wind chimes...
It's not uncommon to see red foxes, blue jays, rabbits, skunks, raccoons, cats or sometimes even a bear or deer on their way through the woods...
This afternoon however we were 'only' graced with 5 or 6 black squirrels bounding around the deck....I am always abit naughty and empty my parents peanut bowl because I throw a handful out every 10 minutes, I just can't resist watching the little sweeties grab and stash their peanuts...
I wish I had brought my big lens with me because the little buggers kept crawling up this tree so I couldn't get a real proper shot!...
So yes, we're in a winter wonderland and it could snow everyday for the rest of winter as far as I am concerned...because with our new cross country ski's I think winter is going about to get all that much lovelier.
Thanks for popping in and letting me share abit of my day with you...come back tomorrow and I'll show you something creative. Be Well.
1 comment:
Wow, that's a nice spread your mom put out for you. Gordon would be impressed no doubt!!!
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