I hope your homes are all glittery and cozy with holiday cheer...ours is full of happy bunnies and really that's all we want for Christmas.
I hope your homes are all glittery and cozy with holiday cheer...ours is full of happy bunnies and really that's all we want for Christmas.
I think perhaps my achy body and head are already longing for the warmer days of summer past!!! Oh Oh...and we're only at -8 so far soon enough it'll be the -30's! But than we'll have the warm coziness of xmas decorations to help us past that chill:D
Be Well all...Be Well...may memories of perfect and lovely summer days past embrace you with inner smiles, warmth and remind you of the happiness in that exact moment of where you were.....and perhaps of where you currently are:D XO Mandy.
For anyone local...don't forget tommorow night (Friday) is North Bay's old-fashioned downtown Christmas walk and I'll be at my artists collective, Art On Main from 6pm-9pm most likely (if I am not stuck in 'last-minute-pulling-my-hair-out-still-to-do's' for 'City Walks'!) ...it should be fun and festive so come on out.
And mentioning 'City Walks', again for anyone local, don't forget to join me and all the other hardworking artisans for the City Walks tour/sale this Saturday 9:30-4:30.
Done in coloured pencil on Stonehenge, cut out and than mounted on a painted panel. They will be available as beautiful prints...printed on the same paper, Stonehenge and than mounted and sealed onto boards, ready for hanging...but I won't be listing them individually as I post them, like usual. I am going to try posting a block of things all at once, so I'll let you know when the first group of birds will be up in the shop. However winter is here and soon enough the freezing temperatures which will prevent us from getting into the garage to cut more wood...I am already scrambling...so I might be making a small run of each for now. Hope you enjoy it?...a pretty little birdie to brighten your day. p.s. If you've yet to see Julie & Julia, I highly recommend it...what a fantastic movie about not giving up on yourself, despite your path diverting from it's original plan and also not letting others opinions take your joy away...loved it so much. Meryl Streep is defiantly one of my favs.
...anyhow, it sits atop a lovely piece of furniture my dad made for me ages ago...and I just crumbled with a happy heart when I spied one cozy day, our sweetie pie Jaks taking a nap underneath...ha ha...too cute.
Aren't bunnies just oh so wonderful...ahhhh they make me happy and bliss full...yes even despite this constant migraine!
Also on December 4th, at the same time as the auction is another event I am getting work ready for...this one is a member show, sale and fundraiser in the store's gallery space (where I recently had my solo exhibition). Each member will be showing 2-4 pieces at a time and all pieces will be $100, no more, no less (well except tax of course!). We all hope it goes well and for anyone local reading this post again...please do come out to support the great talent at AOM and in your little Northern town.
Also, I have been meaning to post these photos for awhile....but better late than never right! This past summer, a group of fellow AOMer's got together, for a fundraiser for our beautiful little store/gallery and held a children's t-shirt printmaking session at our local festival. It was a great ideal, deemed a success and lots of fun. I know some of you out there are indeed teachers of your own art classes as well so I thought I'd share these photos and pass the ideal along to you all as well.
Be Well all and hope your all having pain-free days and enjoying each day regardless.
It's been a year in the making. It's been a big job for me. It's been an insanely huge job for my partner and web-maker supreme, Jonathan...who besides extreme talent also showed immense patience, as I know I was a very difficult and demanding client, ha ha!
And I can't think of a better day to finally launch it, than today, on my 32nd birthday:D...wow! I've yet to see another artist's website with the search capabilities that Jonathan has built in for me on this beautiful site of mine...wow, it's all mine:D...WOW!...
Well back to my birthday festivities:D It has indeed been a wonderful and amazing day...and again, please do leave your comments and feedback about the site and also please do pass the link around if you think it's as fabulous as we do:D, ha ha. WAHOOOOOOO!!!!!:D
The exhibition is being presented at the beautiful artist collective that I am a proud member of, Art On Main. Peter has been a member of the collective for some time and this exhibition just continues to show his incredible and unique talent.
I was happy when Peter gave me permission to photograph his works for this post for I just knew I had to share his work with all of you....I promised at the inception of this blog of mine to share my visual inspirations and Peter's work is definatly something that makes my eyes pop and go 'wow'.