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Thursday, December 3, 2009

The City Walks Sale...

As you know last Saturday I spent my day selling my goods at our local "City Walks Tour", an artisans sale where several houses host a few artists each and than the public are given a map and can come tour and shop at each house. It was my first time participating, but the 11th year it's taken place and despite the current troubles & worries of flu & recession, was a great success with over 300 people visiting each house. Here was my display and little corner...which I loved it was so cozy and comfy...

Every sale is different, sometimes I sell mostly necklaces, other times I sell an equal mix of everything, this time however I sold lots of cards and my felt star and bird ornaments.

Mary Bon, our lovely and fun house hostess was selling her pottery in the kitchen which was also full of baked goodies and warmth and across from me was my friend Jana, selling her beautiful jewelry, she is such a strong and lovely gal that Jana Brogan...

In the living room were 2 artists...you can see abit of Florence White's set up in the photo below, she was selling her lovely knitted goods and had also brought her spinning wheel and added coziness to the day but spinning wool.

I refuse to show the other artist for he was wearing a suit he made from buck skin! (which as you can imagine just horrified me, and even more so since that morning on our way up to the sale Jon and I saw the most beautiful deer and we felt so lucky to take in it's majesty!) and I am sorry, but from what I could see the guy had enough skin of his own to wear! So since this is my blog and I can post what I want and because this blog is also about animal advocacy I have no desire to advertise or share his wares with my readers.

It was a great day, alot of fun with alot of sales and full of lovely people and defiantly something I would do again next year. For now...my hands are so cold I can barely move them, I turned my studio heat off over the weekend and forgot to turn it back on! so I am slightly frozen, ha ha...so I am going to go partake in a warm cup of something sweet and bury my hands in some warm rabbity goodness. So than, 'adieu' for now, be well, be warm and thanks for popping in!


Lori said...

What a great community of artists you have. LOVE your table. Your work look so fantastic in a collection.

Dogwood said...

Thanks for sharing your sale. What a nice idea to share space in various homes. I bet the visitors love this evernt! As usual your items look lovely.

Oug~the man in the deer skin outfit. I am glad you did not show a photo of him.

Have a nice day.

Jonathan said...

Great setup. Glad you had such a successful and fun day.