...Jon was home in a flash when I called him to say she wasn't eating, and by 3 that same day she was at the doctors getting x-rays for at that point we all feared a blockage, which we had never really dealt with before...long story short we discovered a new inert over the counter human drug that is a great help to bunnies, it's called Gas-X and after 2 'bunny' doses (I'll give detailed info later on this) her tummy made a really loud gurgle, the swelling of her belly when right down and 2 super sticky tiny poops came out which told us it wasn't a blockage but most likely really bad gas which we have experienced once before with Ella so we knew abit better how to deal with that...she was back at the doctors Saturday afternoon and the doctor was smiling huge and very pleased to see her tummy swelling totally gone and to learn of a new drug, etc (we have a great vet whose always open to learning new things even from his patients human slaves, ha ha). Now on this beautifully sunny but chilly Monday morning, she's eating normally again and looking like her sweet beautiful lovely self...thank goodness...so yes, that was about 42 hours of no sleep, stress and most likely more grey hairs, ha ha but she's doing great so we're doing great....
Apple Jaks took such good care of her whiles she was ill...he was constantly washing and kissing her and snuggling up to her to keep her warm...he was soooo sweet, a good little partner and we were so proud of him....Jinny has really taught him how to be a bunny and he indeed pulled out all his new found skills to help her out as best he could :D
Firstly Happy momma's day to you my love, and to your momma as well. Our short visit with them was nice, and glad to see your mom liked her present, a new wireless class-n wireless router :-)
Another bunny crisis over...that new drug definately saved the day and the metaclopromide made sure things were good. A few more grey hairs but no worries... :-)
Hi, congratulations on dealing with the crises! I'm happy to hear Jinny is recovered. Thank you for sharing this story: the more people share these scary stories, the better off we all are (and our bunnies are), because we learn from them. My rabbit Frank has had a few G.I. scares like this too. The last time was pretty serious: our vet also prescribed Metoclopramide - also Cisapride (both motility agents), and Torbugesic (a pain med). The time before that was less serious - probably it was just bad gas gone too far, because over-the-counter Simethicone did the trick (by the time we got to the vet, Frank was greatly recovered). Since then I've used Simethicone at the first sign of gas and (I think) prevented the onset of ileus. Is that what Gas-X is: Simethicone? I am eager to hear more about that! Anyway, best to you and all your bunnies. :)
So glad to hear that your Ginny is better. I would love to know how you dosed the Gas-X. We always use baby simethicone drops.
Hi Mandy: I pray you've had your share of bunny scares for awhile. I hate the thought of any of ours showing signs of not feeling well, so scary! Such precious, sensitive little creatures. I too would like to know the dosing for the Gas-X... JUST in case.
Hugs to everyone,
Im glad she is doing better. Ploppy has been sleeping a lot lately she is getting pretty old so I know what its like to worry about the buns.
Oh, I am so happy that Jinny is OK. Very interesting!!! Who would have guessed. Great photos of all you bunnies. They are lucky to have such agreat mommy and daddy.
Hi Bijou..with the interest in Simethicone, here is some more information you can share with everyone.
First, here is the reference paper I found by Dana M. Krempels with respect to G.I. Stasis (Ileius)
Simethicone is the active ingredient in Gas-X along with a number of other products available:
We choose Gas-X because the 125mg tablets matched the dosage recommendations (ie 1/2 of a 125mg tablet, per Dr. Krempels paper). Jinny received 2 of these dosages (once an hour) each time we suspended 1/2 a tablet in approximately 5-6cc's of water and force feed the solution to her. Within about 2.5 hours her gas was gone, and her stomach was no longer hard and distended.
Along with the gas-x, we did 2 other things. Since it is not advised to massage a hard stomach for fear of bruising the tissue, we grabbed an old electric fur trimmer (blades removed) and held it very gently against her tummy for sort intervals. This creates a low concussive vibration and helps the Simethicone in it's actions of consolidating the small gas bubbles so the gas can pass. We also gently stretched her with Mandy holding her upper body, and me fully supporting her spine and legs. You could see the relief in her eyes when we did this, as it provides a better path for gas to escape from the stomach.
arabbitblog mentions above Torbugesic for pain control. It's great to have another drug name on hand. We have used Meloxicam with good results. The only motility drug we've ever need is Metaclopromide, and we have a vile of the stuff on tap at home, seeing as though our marry band of misfits is G.I. Stasis prone.
Hope the above helps, or at least gives some questions you can discuss with your doctors. Mandy and I are not doctors or anything, but with 8 rabbits gracing our home, we don't mind sharing what has worked for us...now, I have to head to give Jinny a hug...if I can catch the active little bugger...
Wow, thanks babe, that is alot of great info that is good to pass along...keeping in mind that this is just what worked for us, we're not suggesting anything against what your own vet say, etc. Keep all the info rolling in guys, discussion, ideals are greatly appreciated. XO Mandy.
Good info - thanks! Frightening about a "sick" bunny! It's great you found a quick solution ...
Your bunnies are sooo adorable! I am glad Jinny is well again! Hope your mother's weekend was fabulous and that you had a great day! Love to you!
Must have been something in the air as Sugie had the same exact thing at the same time! She was in the hospital from Friday until I picked her up yesterday. She also had some stange infection so is getting penicillan shots every other day. She looks much better though and is acting great!
I'm so glad sweet Ginny is doing good. It's always so scary.
Indeed, a few more grey "hares" for both of us! hee,hee,hee.
Hugs to you my friend.
So glad she is better, and wonderful to read of your speedy response and care. I've always used Infacol in those situations which seems to work...
Love Charlotte
I am an alternative kind of mommy too. I am so happy everything is ok and that you can breathe now. That must have been so scary. Much love to you and your sweet family!
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