Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Long Earred Love
Oh my, how can life not be soaked in sweetness when you find bunnies spooning each other and basking in the sun, ha ha...ahhhhh talk about a squeeze your heart with happiness and love moment... ...I had just come upstairs from my studio with the intention of finding Ella Luna and Roo Boo for a snuggling session when I found them in the dining room like this. Roo was awake and just laying very quietly and 110% contently and Ella Luna was conked right out, she doesn't sleep alot, not like the others, but when she does she makes it count, ha ha...I had time to run back downstairs for my camera, change the lens and tip toe close enough to snap this photo and she still didn't wake up, ha ha... ...than I quietly and slowly stretched out right beside Ella on the left, and laid my hand on her belly at which point she opened her eyes, saw me, decided to stay put and took a deep content breathe and fell back asleep. Roo fell asleep too and he's such a fidgety little sleeper that I always have a hard time not laughing cause he's just so silly in his sleep, he actually digs in his sleep with his little front paws tucked under his chin, ha ha.... ...I laid there for what must have been awhile because I had the BBC radio on and listened to 4 songs and 2 interviews whiles the buns didn't move...it was moments of perfection, I could actually feel my heart expand and smile...such a simple recipe too: sun pouring in, two sleeping gloriously beautiful bunnies and the chatter of the baby squirrels just outside the window....ahhhh....
'Tis Happiness...ha ha...my life with rabbits may seem lacking or seem a mystery to many, especially to those with the noisier human variety children, but I guarantee you my life is so full of blissful moments like this, so full of warmth and just pure pure simple goodness that I myself, rarely question it nor find it lacking in love and joy:D.... ...For, I am One Of The Long Earred...I am In Happiness.... (Heh I think that might have to be the title for my upcoming exhibition:D)

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Oh my gosh Mandy that is just too darn precious! You know I can relate all to well the the blissfullness of moments like this. Bunnies are such magical creatures that make our hearts so happy!
Wow, that's a great shot. Nice to see the camera was within reach :-)
To say that those two are content is a massive understatement.
Sooo adorable! :-)
oh i so love the look and feel of your blog...what fun is about..i am stopping by from flying lessons...so glad to connect...
They are so adorable! What an awesome bunny moment.
So sweet. Your bunnies are so lucky to have such a precious home with you.
Lovely rabbits!
Mandy, I was so glad to see your comment in my new blog. Your kind words made my day. Those cat sculptures will be finished by Friday and after that they will be posted at my etsy shop. Love your posts! For sure you are "enjoying the ride" in our journey through life!!
Elizabeth glz
I feel that bliss of delightful cuddling. My Molly isn't much of a cuddler and I have to catch her to cuddle...but I now sleep in a single bed and get to cuddle with her when I sleep. I miss my Bijou, Bella, and Maverick for the REAL cuddling. Thank you so much for sharing the perfect, blissful snuggling sessions. I share your fur-baby love!
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