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Friday, September 3, 2010

This Years Artists Garden

A Few weekends ago we went out to see some friends selling their lovely wares at an event called "The Artists Garden" hosted by Potter/Sculptor of Ash Creek Pottery, Pat Stamp...

(....I took part in this wonderful sale last year, click here to view shots of my display/experience, it was a wonderful day and my favourite sale to participate in so far, even though I opted out of this years...)

...This is the entrance to Pat's Pottery Studio, isn't it fab...

Here she is at work in front of her adorable and inviting studio...

...my friend Rachael, a great jewelry designer was there as well and it's always a hoot to spend time with her...

Rachael pointed out Pats little frog pond which Jon had a hard time dragging me away from because it was a great photo spot...

We than decided to grab a tea, piece of pie and sandwich set up in the makeshift/temporary 'teahouse' which Pat set up in the upper part of her house...

...where we also waited out a huge rain/thunderstorm...it was cozy and exciting for us but we felt bad for the rained out artists trying to protect their wares below us...(everyone kept on the smiles and positive attitude though and just pulled everything back out once the storm passed)...

...Than, Jon and I decided to take the long roundabout way back home, which was about 4 hours, ha ha...like I mentioned before sometimes there is nothing better than just hopping in the car and driving to no where in particular and just seeing whatever you see...

...and we saw beautiful scenery which filled our hearts with happy mojo and gratitude for the beautiful, safe and clean country we live in...VIVA CANADA:D  ha ha....

....so, that was one day of a recent past weekend...just had to share:D...Have a good one everyone, see you Monday....and than Wednesday for a giveaway...XO M & The Bunnies.


Anonymous said...

O I love her studio, You can only be inspired in a place like that . Food for the soul.
Great photo's too

Carrie Schmitt said...

wow--beautiful images. my favorite is the first one of Pat's Pottery Studio--what a dream. i hope someday my studio/life has a similar set-up. So inspiring! Thanks for sharing.

jacqueline said...

Pat's pottery studio is awesome! Such a lovely inspiring place! Thanks so much for sharing. Have a lovely merry happy weekend and love to you!

Dogwood said...

Beautiful photo. I really enjoyed them.

What a truly lovely location for an art sale. The enterance is precious. Wowee...so lush and green.

Sounds like lots of fun. Enjoy your day and dance a little...

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Oh it's just so beautiful there! How incredible!
xx, shell

Jonathan said...

Another great day on the road....that last picture sums it up nicely...where the dark clouds on the right was the weather at home (had a tornado touch down) and the sun on the left where we went for the day. Next road trip is to??