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Monday, July 4, 2016

Beautifully Bonkers

So this summer instead of buying tons of flats and waiting and waiting for the flowers to grow
(which is never super huge cause our seasons are so short)...
Back before May 24, we saw a great deal on already well established potted plants and well we decided happily to go flower beserk & really create an extra flowerly Eden for ourselves this year.

We filled the truck to the brim and than went back for more! It was soooo fun.
I choose half & my hon bun chose half.
It's been so deliciously wonderful to have mature flowers blooming all around us since spring
and it's been extra super duper wonderful since I am extra extra yard bound now with my knee.

1 comment:

Natascha said...

Wow that's a lot of hanging baskets! Did you leave them all hanging? Hope your knee is improving!