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Monday, September 6, 2010

Fun In Parry Sound

I have some more 'adventure' photos to show you.  As I mentioned before, Jon and I can not travel too far from home because of our brood of buns BUT we do find entertainment for ourselves locally...this time, a few weekends ago, it was a full & busy day in Parry Sound, which is a small town about 2 hours south of us.

Our first stop was the "Station Gallery", I know a number of people who have exhibited here but I had never been to the gallery so it was nice to pop in and see the wonderful space (and it of course had a train roaring past as we went in, which seemed all too fitting, ha ha...)

I wish our gallery Art On Main had hardwood floors like this!...

Next we found the downtown core & did abit of shopping & lunching & found this fantastic walkway...

...and this great mural...I always find murals in little towns so endearing & cozy...

Than by chance we found an old fire watch tower but first before the climb, I had to fuel up with a bit of a snack by a pond...

...and than to being the climb up this...

To some very nice views...

Than we explored the Parry Sound Museum abit...

we're quite surprised to learn how big water buoys really are...

Had a debate on what we thought this machine was used for...Jon thought for farm ploughing & I thought for some kind of rail line work...

But whatever it's purpose, it had some lovely rust on it!!!

Than we hopped across this fantastic mural...Do you really think this is how they piled logs on the sleds in the olden days???

Here is the underneath of the bridge we saw cutting through the town from the top of the fire tower...

And after exploring this area, we found a wonderful bike path which was so fun to play along and bike down...I thought this structure over looking the lake was pretty neat...the perfect spot to watch the approaching thunder/lightening storm...

Than it started to rain but we didn't pack it in quite yet, we wanted to hang out on the dock for a spell...

Than the torrential flood began so we booted back to the car, got soaked as we got the bikes back in the car, ha ha and than happily decided we missed the bunnies terribly and suddenly really wanted to get back home...so back home we went...

But not before stopping for a picture on this enormous chair, ha ha...

...It was a good good day:D...

Hope your having fun & having some adventures even if you can't hop on a plane to one.  XO.


Marianne said...

a perfect day if you ask me.

Dogwood said...

You look so happy in all those fun photos. Looks like a great day with lots of cool things to look at and investigate. Glad you got away for a little adventure.

Pamela Holderman said...

thanks for taking me along on your trip - what a fun day!

Carrie Schmitt said...

Looks like a wonderful time! I love the giant chair!

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

You look so cute in that giant chair! What a really fun day! I wish I could be there to see it all with you!
xx, shell

Lori said...

What a great day trip! Looks like you were both having a blast. Thanks for sharing such a sweet day.

Jonathan said...

That day was a blast...you never know what you'll find right in your own area (if you define area as a few hours in the car). I think a trip to the nothern fire tower this fall is definately in order.