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Monday, July 18, 2011

Amazing Country

Well we had such a good time in Toronto last Monday & Tuesday that we decided spur of the moment
to make the 4 hours trek back south for a jazz fesitival this past weekend...
A whole other post will be done on it cause it was AMAZING.
Anyhow, whiles sitting in the car for well over 20 hours in one week I really couldn't help but feel
in awe of the beautiful country we live in...

I am feeling lucky to be living in such a clean, safe & peaceful country.

and what can I say, I just love these pictures that I took from the car window, ha ha.

I am off to suck up to the rabbits...they are abit cheesed that we've been away, despite the wonderful babysitter! and I am getting some bunny attitude and bunny backsides in adundance today!

XO A Bunny Graveling Mandy XO


Karen M said...

Beautiful photos. Hope you are well supplied with bunny treats!

Lisa said...

You are lucky indeed. If I had a greater tolerance for the cold... Who could say what if? Sounds/looks wonderful. Can't wait to hear more!

Mandy Saile said...

Thanks Karen....bunny treats were even refused at first can you believe it...but now everything is back to normal after quite abit of gravelling was done, ha ha.

Lisa...doesn't New York get awfully cold too? You could handle it...your tough:D XO.

Deyfenn Slayd said...

The temperature extremes do seem to be increasing up here in the land of the north, but you can't beat the fresh air and the great scenery.

Nice shots Bijou.

ArtfulLee Designed said...

Beautiful photos of the countryside Mandy.

ArtfulLee Designed said...

beautiful photos Mandy

Jenn said...

Ahhh, the photos have sent me off into daydreamland. And I understand Bunny Pouting. My Maltese has been pouting at me for a week since I was in France for the month of July. She thought I abandoned her....but I'm back!