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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Critter Creations

Besides basking in the glorious weather outside & going seed crazy in my new little greenhouses,
Besides a pretty constant headache to tend to since last Thursday
and a molar falling apart and exiting my mouth in the middle of the night & having that mended!
I've been working on a new series that has me all giddy & smiley...
They are the cutest little critters I've drawn so far I think & I just have to show you the sketches.
They are going to be small, just 5 x 7" and I can't wait to start colouring them in.

 I've been showing them on Twitter all week...
I don't think I am quite done sketching either, so there's probably more to come,
I am having such a ball with them.
I always show the 6 buns what their mama is working on, ha ha...
They said that they approve of this new series, especially of the rabbit ones,
they are demanding another whole page of rabbit characters...
and I think I will happily comply.


Janine said...

The critter creations are awesome! Thanks for always brightening my day, I find your blog and tweets so inspiring :)

linda (dots n doodles) said...

These are all brilliant, can't wait to see the colour and how you finish them off.

Kait said...

Haha love the bunny faces! So cute. Lots of personality. :P

Unknown said...

So many pictures in that book of yours...insane!

Unknown said...

So many pictures in that book of yours...insane!