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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Pillerun Pritt

Say Hello to my newest little creation,
A feathered top hatted sweetheart named 
Pillerun Pritt
If he looks just slightly anxious it's because he is on his way to a grand outdoor ball,
where the night will be scented with jasmine &
the stars will be winking down on him by the millions.
This ball is be thrown around the local and elegant bandstand in the center of town,
and it's where he is suppose to meet a pretty little robin for a blind date...
he can't decide between a bouquet of pink and yellow roses or red and purple pansies...
poor little guy is sooo nervous, but his stunning green top hat gives him much needed confidence...

The bird itself is done in coloured pencil and then that is mounted to a painted acrylic canvas
whiles he sits on top of strip of bright orange ribbon. 
It has been sealed several times & has a lovely gloss to it.
It is ready to be shipped & is ready to hang.  It measures 8 x 10"
Which do you think he should choose?  The roses or the pansies?

P.S. Prints will be available soon


Ann Christine Dennison said...

OMG he is so cute and I love the story that goes with this picture :-) Really nice work!

Mandy Saile said...

Thanks SO much Ann...few people are commenting lately so I am wondering if I should keep up with my little stories...but ah, I think I will cause they just pop into my head with the creation of each critter. My honey is encouraging me to do a book with them all soon...perhaps that is in the future:D

Unknown said...

You look at him, and he politely smiles and says....hello! :-) Silly Pillerun.