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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Table ReMake

We've been up to our eyeballs with house renos...most of it hasn't been fun!
But some of it has been, like the re-make of our living room coffee table.
It used to look like this...after I picked it up for $10 and gave it a coat of water blue paint...
But now it looks like this...
The design is my own of course.  All hand-painted. I had such fun coming up with the pattern.

We're going on 2 months now with this chaotic house stuff which all started with the need to install
new floors and rabbit-chew-proof ceramic baseboards and which lead into a 100 other projects!
Atleast I can gaze upon my newly finished table happily and check it off the mile long list!


Jenn said...

OMG! That is GORGEOUS! Have you ever considered created surface pattern designs in general? In any case, that is a work of art. Truly.

Debbie-Anne Parent said...

It's stunning, and your little fur baby seems quite content on it. That pattern is awesome, and I love the choice of colours :-)

deb said...

absolutely gorgeous! my favourite green & the pattern is so beautiful ♥

Mandy Saile said...

Oh thanks Jenn. I have been itching to try some pattern design yes for sure:D

Thanks Deb and Debbie for the compliments. I am quite happy with it:D

Unknown said...

You did a beautiful job, and Flynn loves it also.