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Monday, August 11, 2014

Adventures In Kayaking

It started out as a very beautiful day to be out on the water...
sunny and lovely but not too hot...smooth as glass water that sparked like diamonds...
We just had a busy morning and a yummy lunch out and were ready to be out in our boats.
For it's no secret at all that being on the quiet water with my favorite person in the world
is definitely one of my happiest places.
(we just wish we could bring a bunny or two along as well, ha ha!)
My love saw a big beautiful grasshopper afloat in the middle of the water
and he stopped to pull it out of the water...(heart flutters enter here).
The grasshopper crawled to the front of his boat and dried off and stayed there the whole journey...
(just one example of why after 20 years this guy still makes my heart flutter and beat fast, ha ha)
I picked up my own passenger about an hour later, so there we were paddling away,
both with a green grasshopper sunning themselves on the front of our kayaks!
They only jumped off when we were close to an island shore...so awesome, ha ha.

There were hundreds of tiny turquoise blue dragonflies darting about the lily pads...
they were so pretty...also apparently to quick to catch a shot of!

The world seemed to turn off for long long peaceful wind swept moments...
All that seemed out and about was us, the dragonflies,
the sound of our paddles slicing through the water,
the grasshoppers & an osprey who spotted lunch in the middle of the reeds.
All was quiet...
until my love was deep in the reeds looking for a pathway to the main lake...
when a deafening, sudden and very scary crashing sound of grass & water parting
by very heavy and possibly very angry hooves rushed towards my honey!!!
He was rushed by a moose!
We couldn't believe it...it was terrifying and quite unbelievable.
Our hearts were going like mad...
it happened so quickly and coming right out of the peaceful quiet, was quite jerking!
It took my brain a few seconds to put together what was happening...my brain processed it like this...
Big crashing sound...
something huge...
something huge heading straight for Jon...
where's Jon?...
where's JON...
then seconds later my breathing began again as my love emerged from the tall grass...
paddling harder than ever before!

Lesson learnt!...if the reeds are too thick to see through, DON'T paddle through them!!!
What are the odds though!  holy crap!

 THAN the water turned and got really chopped
with these big rolling waves that made me want to puke big time
(and I am a massive suck when it comes to being nausea!)
but we still had about 2 hours to paddle back to the shore & truck!
My shoulder started to pain and pull and than a bad headache set in making the pukiness even worse!
My sweet love wanted to tow me but that didn't work too well cause the water was too rough...
and well let's admit it, I was just too stubborn and was determined to get back on my own steam.
And we did....soaked and abit chilled despite the skirts.
The waves brought us in for a crash landing against each other on the shore, but we didn't care, ha ha
we were just happy to have hit the beach finally!
We flopped on our backs on the sandy beach, exhausted...
The solid unmoving earth wicking away my nausea...
We laid there letting the evening wind dry us off as the setting sun turned all around us golden.
We retold the moose & reeds scene over and over to one another...
until we realized we were starving & it was time to head home to feed us & the bunnies...all in all
...another perfect day of kayaking indeed. 

1 comment:

Stephanie Amos said...

What a story! So glad you two made it to shore safe and sound! :)