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Thursday, July 30, 2015


Wow, that was a hard week with such hot hot hot motionless air and heavy humidity, ugh!
We ended up going old school by doing all our cooking outside or eating cold pasta outta a can!
It was too hot to even turn on the computers so pen and pencil were dug out for work!
We were getting near our wits end.  Days were kept quiet and dark as possible.
All I did was try not to pass out, drink tons of water, eat very little for my appetite was gone
and go from rabbit to rabbit, wetting ears, adjusting fans, doling out treats to keep spirits up!!
There was such a rare stillness in the air,
the whole city seemed quiet as though everyone was tiredly waiting & wishing for it to break.
But finally late last night, after a very long week, relief came whooshing in with a heavy downpour
and today we have wind....oh my goodness the wind feels heavenly today, ha ha!
We're finally able to get back to the outside...to have windows and doors and curtains wide open
we're all breathing a sigh of relief, especially the buns....WHEW & PHEW & AHHHHH!

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