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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

New Painting

Good Tuesday Everyone. We've been having such a rainy summer so far, but I don't actually mind too much because I find it very cozy and it gives me an excuse to remain inside and fully concentrated on my artwork. The only downside to all the rain and the temperatures bouncing back and forth is that it wrecks havoc with my head and I seem to have a constant stream of headaches, but I continue to work, which is the important thing.

Here is a new little painting, it measure 6 x 6" and is acrylic and coloured pencil on canvas. It will be available for sale shortly, when I put a whole lot of paintings up for grabs at the same time. The new website is coming soon, I promise! We just have rabbit priorities to deal with first...I'll explain later. Be well and have a great and cozy filled evening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...