So I am going to do things abit out of order here and share with you today some of our afternoon out on the Cranberry Trail last Sunday(a newly discovered location which is currently one of my favourite places). Ready with our bikes, backpacks, camera, my amazing guy, a very sore throat, some dizziness and a slight headache! we ventured out for a lovely afternoon...
This pond was so beautiful and cozy to brought back childhood memories of growing up wild and carefree in the forest and spending hours upon hours by a pond much like this one watching a family of beavers do their beautiful natural thing...
...Jon likes to get up close and personal when the lens is in his hands, ha ha...and usually it irritates me but I quite like these two shots he took of me...

...though I could have laid down in the cat-tails and happily dozed and watched whatever might transpire...we had to move onwards so back on our bikes we went...

...but first a shot of my honey...

...this little thicket caught my eye and my heart leap and I must admit to believing the slight possibility of faire folk hanging out in this cool delicious little spot, ha ha...

...the first look out was a calming and serene view which doesn't quite come across in the photos. There was a 2 tiered deck where one can the natural beauty and I am quite sure spot a black bear, moose, or raccoons make their way across the vast fields...or perhaps a giant porcupine which Jonathan and I happily met slowly lumbering across our path when out at the trail the weekend before... this location was painter/artist Nancy Dewar Stenning...I really liked her colours and textured paintings...

...and Jonathan waited patiently as I photographed this and that, sat in awe of our beautiful land and chatted with the artist...

...before long we were back on our bikes zooming along to this gourgues point...

....and to these lovely creatures...Jonathan will atest to the fact that I am obsessed with ducks! and I could sit for hours just watching them...they are so very very peaceful and somehow knowing.... this beautiful spot were two more local artists at you see Edna Scott working on a watercolour of the vista...

...and Robert Smith, a talented wildlife artist...

...working with charcoal to create this lovely little squirrel...(both artists being my fellow Art On Main Members).

It was indeed a beautiful day, very relaxing for the soul and defiantly uplifting for the creative spirit....

Thanks for sharing some of our day with me...come back and visit again soon as I have shots to share of the Art By The Bay Sale, my Nubbins and of course some new work from our little rabbit warren in the North:D...
In non-artistic ventures...yesterday my mom and I went to see 'The Proposal' and I loved it, it's the best romantic comedy I've seen in quite some time. We saw 'Ice Age 2' the week before and to me, it is by far the best installment yet. I've been craving to buy the 'Twilight' series, but don't know if that will ruin the movies for me, hmmm...and Tonight is SYTYCDance...and if it's in anyway as good as it was last week, we're all in for a treat I am off to enjoy the rest of this sunny day and to make a puff pastry-asparagus-goats cheese-tart! wish me luck! and Be Well all, Be Well....