I am so so pleased to be able to write that our sweet Jaks is doing so much better.
He started eating with a voracious appetite a few days ago, yayyyy.
He's back to his usual playful and energetic self, yayyy.
and he saw the doctors again today who is very happy with his progress, yayyy.
Well, the doc says we're not out of the woods yet...that there is still risk of infection underneath all of the large scabs but so far all looks good and many areas are healing up nicely.
He'll go back in 2 weeks for another check up.
Uunfortunately he has to be on the antibiotics for another 2-3 weeks...
but Jaks takes his medicine like a little trooper (mixing it with apple juice helps too!).
So now we have a nightly routine. Whiles I hold him in various positions, Jonathan uses a soft paint brush to put manuka honey on all his sore parts and than I wrap him in a thick soft towel, we put a movie on and he and I have nice snuggles and snoozes together on the couch for 1.5-2 hours.
We can tell the honey feels soothing because he settles right in for a nice long snuggle...
His little body completely relaxes, he offers lots of kisses and falls asleep quite a few times, ha ha.
We put him in a nice warm shallow bath to wash the honey off...
Than we have to apply peroxide (as per docs orders) just to really make sure we're fighting any infection under all those scabs...and than he comes back on to the couch for a blow drying to make sure he's nice and dry...I think we're looking at another couple of weeks of this routine.
But it's all helping and it truly does feel like a precious honor to be able to care for him and help him heal.
(Here's Apple Jaks last night after our nightly bath/honey/blow dry session..
he said 'Okay guys, you can take a few pictures but don't show anyone my boo boos'...)
I have to say...
I know lots of people don't get my relationship with animals and rabbits.
Most somehow just can't fully and totally understand how a precious rabbit soul can so touch my life.
But, they do...
and it struck me as funny when the last time we were at the vets office,
I was holding Jaks in a big soft blanket (he prefers that instead of the carrying cage)
and I was sitting in a quiet corner, rocking him and talking to him
and a woman with her 2 young kids came up to me and looked at me strangely and than said
"Oh sorry, we came to see your baby...we thought you had a real baby in there"
and I just smiled and said
"Well it is a real baby...it's MY baby".
And I realized that my response and smile to this stranger was genuine...
That I didn't mind her funny little glance and chuckle as she walked away with her two human children.
I realized that I am so completely over people 'not getting me'
because it just doesn't matter if people understand...
I understand it and that's all I need
because I simply can not think of my life without the magic of rabbits being in it...
and well who can explain magic...
XO Mandy and A Happy Healing Apple Jaks XO