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Friday, November 4, 2016

Loving Linos

I've been diving back into an old medium
I fell for way back in high school but haven't done in awhile...
linocut printmaking.
I am currently using Softoleum (pictured here) but it's a bit too rubbery for my liking,
so I am anxious to use it all up and trying out some good old vinyl flooring...
I am having breakfast next week with the beloved man who got me addicted to lino-cuts,
my friend who was also my high school art teacher.  He is a printmaker master supreme himself,
I hang on his every word of advice when it comes to printmaking....and life.
I find myself waking up and instantly craving to get to my chisels & blocks...
I LOVE that feeling...it's a feeling and a high that deserves to be cherished & nurtured.

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