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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Owl 2...a New Picture & Print

I don't have the post about the garden show ready quite yet so I am hopping in today to show you a new picture I just finished up. Another sweet owl...of the kindly vegetarian variety...it's a 5.5 x 5.5 inch coloured pencil with abit of paint added.

(Prints of this little guy (as well as the first little guy) are now available in my Etsy Shop)

You may have noticed that my posts are abit different...I am loving the bigger photo sizes but bare with me as I play around with the new blogger post template & try to get something fancier going on on my sidebars.  Some link back buttons are coming soon as well, for anyone who loves this beloved blog of mine & who wants to support and share with some link loveage.

We have officially started our summer holidays, I am so excited.  Jon takes his summer vacations off as 4 days weekends...and we have 2 months of them to enjoy & enjoy them we will indeed...I don't plan to take time off from my studio/work but if I do find I'll be absent for a few days I promise to give a heads up.

Hope you are all enjoying your summer as well.  Be well lovely people...see you in another couple days:D


Art by Katalin said...

hi Mandy! loving your new pieces!! the owls are really lovely and I specially like this one....there's something about the look in his eyes that I really like! :) very nicely done and your detailing..ahhhh..just wonderful!
You've been busy girl...I have so much to catch up on your blog..sorry for my absence and not commenting on your posts.I will stop by soon again!
Until then..take care and enjoy the nice summer days! :)

Diane said...

Oooh, I love the details--great piece. Enjoy the rest of your summer!!

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

A beautiful owl Mandy!
Glad Roo is better too and glad you get to have some long weekends with Jon.
Happy Summer days!

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Beautiful owl! Love the green color background.

Jonathan said...

Work 3, off for 4, can't beat that.
That owl image is great...