I love those moments where you sail on out from a chaotic time
and realize that without even noticing when it happened,
you've finally found a new balance and new routine
and that the new balance and routine makes you happy.
I truly love that.
That's how I am feeling about the rabbits today.
We knew bringing 4 newbies home would be crazy for awhile and it was, hugely.
Especially since we choose not to cage our babies whatsoever.
Needless to say our home isn't exactly 'guest friendly', not with so many bunny gates up!
It's easier now that Teela & Yuuji are paired off. We're still hoping to get Frenwyck in for a trio.
Whiles everyone has their own main room...we now have a nice routine of each bunny getting other
rooms and hallways for so many hours a day. It's fun for them & keeps them happy.
I love knowing that as soon I get up in the mornings, Teela and Yuuji will have the living room whiles Frenwyck has the dining room and back deck. Then 2 hours later we switch.
Whiles Flynn enjoys his on personal kitchen deck, he gets out in the living room after 5 usually until bedtime which is when that room becomes Jin and Jaks extra play room.
It goes on like this all day, gates moving and changing and bunnies zooming here and there, ha ha.
I love the stabilizing feeling of a routine with the bunnies...finally!
I've started a brand new studio routine too.
(my honey is a project manager so he gave me some smart advice)
I am feeling like I can strive and really achieve some things with this new routine
and whiles it's very new, I am excited & enjoying it.
Anyhow...I've once again learnt that it's a balance of trusting that everything will fall into place
in it's own good timing but also checking in from time to time to make sure your not
being lazy with things also.
It's an interesting tricky dance once again isn't it, ha ha.
Do you find the fall a perfect time to inspire new routines like I do???