So for any of your local readers out there, please visit this website for more info on how you can help
...I've been working on it almost day and night with few breaks in between...by the day I work here, out in the gazebo...by night I move everything into the house and listen to movies...
...an afternoon snack of green mint tea and raspberries was called for today to give my fingers abit of a break..especially when my sharpeners are working against me, my pencils seem to be breaking more often than usual...but oh, how delicious are the prismas when they sit in the sun and get all warm and the waxy pigment soft...
Now I approach a busy busy week, I think the next couple will be abit too busy and I am honestly feeling abit anxious about a new venture I am about to embark upon (more news on that very soon!) but I am telling myself it's a 'step forward' or at least a step towards trying and that's the most important thing right!...to never be complacent...to always keep trying regardless of the failures...so I enter this week with a positive attitude and trust in my decisions and hope that I am taking the right steps in trying! Wish me luck....and see you again here soon.
P.S. Thanks so much to the few new people who have been leaving comments for me, I can't tell you how giddy I get when a new positive comment appears, it's like a mini-xmas treat:D.
This trip was much more relaxed and calm, with only a few 'errands' to run upon arrival, so we found we had time to visit one of our favourite old places...when we lived there and were almost broke and only finding enough money for the essentials, we'd make our way to a park on the lake, by the yatch club...we get a bowl of soup, we'd enjoy the view, and we would try to adjust our small city souls to the big city's drum!...We happily found that the the view from our old spot was still as lovely and the day was beautifully blue and sunny...
...I sat for a spell mesmerized by the swans...I was delighted to see that they were still there after all the years and that their numbers were still plentiful...
Miss Penelope Posy will be available to purchase as a greeting card as well very soon.
Thanks for taking the time to pop in and I hope Penelope has given you abit of joy and whimsy to carry throughout your day.
You can however get beautiful archival prints of it here in my shop. Enjoy.
I also 'renewed' abunch of older images that had expired in The Shop...I hope those are enjoyed as well...I wasn't going to renew anything that didn't sell in the first round, but that's not exactly fair to my images...they deserve another shot to sell as prints I decided.
Until next time...Be Well and Happy Creating.
Happy Mother's Day Mom...your the best and we love you ohhh sooo much,
XOXO M&J and all the bunnies too.
It would be so wonderful if some of you could click here and give my blog a rating...it's so simple and quick and I'd really appreciate it. Thanks Lynda, you made my day.
What started off to be a slow week ended up being a very productive and busy one, actually I think the next couple of months will be quite full; with my trying to set up a new studio/work schedule with less time on the computer worked in, some exiting new things on the horizon, the introduction of my doll line soon to come, and many works just calling out to be made...and oh yes, 2 adorable baby squirrels which keep me glued to the yard lately & have inspired me towards new things, ha ha...things are indeed well and busy and exciting...until next week thanks for joining me. Be Well and Happy Creating.
I am still trying to come up with a fancier background however, with Jon's help, (Jonathan is not just my sweetie and bunny daddy but also my computer guy, my web designer, my system genius extraordinaire, my graphic designer if you will...anyhow...) ha ha according to him, I am being awfully fussy...what can I say, I know what I want and I just can't get it working on my own and I always do try and try and try on my own first, so I must digress and ask for help!
Also, I hope you like the blog 'refresh' that I did the other week...different font now in italics...some colour changes, a slight change to the wording of the banner since I realized I still love it and don't want to put a new one up quite yet...I edited my blogs sidebar in hopes of making it less cluttered but still getting all the info I want in there...there's a few things to tweak but I am happy.
Until the next post, be well, enjoy the spring and see you all soon.