I've been working almost around the clock on new exhibition work and the crunch for time is more present than ever these days. Luckily my wrist and hand have been feeling better despite the long hours of drawing and colouring, thank goodness because that sharp wrist pain was really freaking me out! I haven't even had time really to scan new work in to show you all but it's coming...I promise!
In the meantime here's a pic I snapped last week of a furry cutie-pie who was almost trampled but 8 little running rabbit feet! I snapped his portrait than set him in our pea plant...I love finding these little guys cause they are never the same...an awesome little delight in my books.
It's not been a good month for headaches or migraines, I admit to being abit stressed about my solo exhibition. It doesn't help that this week is busy with meetings and shifts at my art collective and I really could do without them inferring in work time but there are also not things I can cancel! But Jonathan is right....I do work the best under pressure and deadlines, I suppose that's my illustrator training rearing it's head!
In two weeks we're taking an evening off to see Jane Goodall, which I still can't believe:D and my honey bought us tickets to see Cirque du Soleil's 'Ovo' which I also can't wait for, I've always wanted to see one of their shows and I am already giddy for it...and I have the Twilight boxset waiting for me, so after my exhibition opens on October 3rd, I am in for some treats for sure:D
But in the meantime, wish me luck on the 3 remaining illustrations I want to get done...wish me luck on the framing, etc...and if I am abit absent from this beloved blog o' mine, well you know what I am busy with! Be Well all, be well....