Oh excellent...I think I see some more guest arriving...
Could you give me but a moment...I need to go check on Ella-Luna and Roo-roodolpholus...
ah ha, just as I suspected...

And here is Madame Juliette, she actually raises butterflies of the most beautiful variety. They listen to her like little puppy dogs, if she says 'come here my lovelies' they flock to her right away. It looks like she is releasing some to flutter about the party....that's going to be a really fantastic touch. I think that she's started to teach the beautiful butterflies to sing too...perhaps if we listen close enough we'll here them hum a tune as they float by...oh how excellent...I am feeling positively giddy.

Oh you like it thank you so much....oh your so polite, your parents taught you well...

Anyhow yes...back to the party details...
There is just plenty of places to sit and chatter.
What are we going to nibble on...oh my goodness there is a feast to be had...let me show you just a sampling... Grandma Diane sent us boxes of her delicious lemon orange pound cake and her famous decadent brownies...and pardon? what's that? Yes, ha ha...yes indeed those are my favourite cookie jars and they are filled with all kinds of cookies. Some had to be made specially tiny for Ellesmera and her ladybugs friends...we don't want any cookie crushing accidents to happen do we!
I can see you there Miss Ebony hiding in the shadows, you may have one berry but that's it...we must have the utmost manners and use our best part etiquette and politely await for ALL the guests to arrive.
Who's left you may ask? Oh why hmmm....let me think...oh yes, 4 guest need to arrive still, then we can start.
Oh why here's another one now....
Ah welcome welcome my dear friend...may I introduce you to my very dear friend Deh-Finn. He is a lantern maker from Frith, he's learnt the trade from his daddy, who was taught by his daddy who was taught by his daddy...well you get the picture. It's wonderful that Deh-Finn is here because his lanterns put out the best light in the country...you see they have magic attached to them, when these candles are lite, all the mean old nasty bugs who like to bite and ruin the night time fun are put to sleep, only to awake in the morn. What's that?....nope, I have no ideal how Deh-Fin does it but it's a very good feature to have for any tea party that may go into the evening tide don't you think? Not to mention that Deh-Finn tells the best jokes, so I am glad he's here, he'll have us all in stitches I am quite sure of it.
Only two more guest to arrive....I am not surprised....Hazel and Jin are always late.
Oh look, how beautiful....it's one of Ellesmera's singing butterflies, how delightful. They will look so lovely flying about in Deh-Fin's lamplight later on this evening.
Oh FINALLY....Our last guests have arrived...yahoo...
why, it looks like you two have just woken from a nap?
What's that? oh my, you've been here for a couple hours now...sneaking in flowers

With over 50 different kinds of marvelous tea, all of the sumptuous food ready to be eaten, all of the excellent and beloved guests having arrived...this is going to be the best tea party ever.
Come on, let's stop chatting away and looking at everything and join everyone else, it's TEA TIME.

Thanks for coming to my party. The silly little tales and names are all from my concept character ideals for upcoming children stories of mine. All the illustrations are mine, all the real live bunnies are ours, and all the photos are taken in our yard showing just a small sampling of my rabbit collection. The photo montage of Hoppington Way Castle was made by my husband Jonathan, thanks baby:D I hope you enjoyed yourselves and again thanks for taking time in my little enchanted world. Mandy Saile of Bijou's Whimsy.