Friday, January 30, 2009
I've Joined an Art Jury and Another New Sketch

Thursday, January 29, 2009
New Sketch of Ella-Luna

If anything a new and lovely routine has happened out of this situation, which is Roo becoming my 'studio bunny'. The basement of our house, which is where most of my studio is, is usually a rabbit-free zone...but whiles Roo wasn't feeling well, aside from bringing him for quick jaunts outside, we'd bring him downstairs because it being a new space made him move around abit more whiles he was sick...and keeping a rabbit moving when they aren't eating is crucial, it helps to keep their system going. Anyhow, he has been nothing but a gentlebun..not chewing a thing, or peeing or pooing anywhere and he's already picked out his favourite spot to lay all stretched out on the studio carpet, he takes off down the hallway and into the den every so often but never fails to come back to his spot...so for a couple hours a day now, Roo is down in the studio with me and I must say that I adore having his company.
Whiles Roo was sick, I spent alot of time on the floor with him and his partner Ella-Luna (as I will continue to do for the rest of this week just as a precaution to make sure he's eating his normal amounts). My sketchbook has been my trusty companion and I've been sketching alot...new dolls, new clay character, new card designs, new illustrations, alot of series work...but it was nice to switch gears and to just draw for drawing sake so here is a quick sketch I did from a photograph of ours of our Ella-Luna a couple years ago digging under our back deck. Enjoy...I am off to my beloved bunny filled evening...Until tomorrow's post..Happy Creating and Being.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
We Need Your Good Energies....

I am so grateful, again, that I get to stay home with our furry hearts, so that I can spot problems right at the root and also be able to stay by their side 24/7. I am grateful that Jonathan has a job where he can indeed work from home on dire days...because it does take two people for force feedings and injections, etc...
So, I am just popping in today quickly, to first ask that my fellow bloggers and readers who are in tune with my blog and life send some of your good energies our way and hopeful and positive thoughts that our Roo will get better soon....secondly, I know that you'll understand my absence from posting, until Roo is better...when one of our furries is ill, it's entirely consuming for us and we can do little less other than sit by their sides.
Thank You and Hopefully all of your beloved pets are healthful and happy today, Be Well.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Old Illustration 'Joy, Find It In Everyday"
..."Find Joy in Every Single Day", because at the end of the day all we have are our truths, our own beliefs and the large or small things that we decided to feel blessed and happy for and about...not always an easy sentiment, but I believe a very important one...Have a Happy Day Everyone and see you at tomorrow's post.
Friday, January 23, 2009
...Off Into To the Weekend
(Yep, that's Moi...skiing out on the lake the other weekend)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
A Beautiful New Shelf/Door & Pantry

It is the door to our new pantry area and I am so excited and happy with it. It's a lovely new place to display some of my work, such as cards, small paintings and jewelry. But it feels like a wonderful secret everytime I open it to go into the pantry (which for about 7 years now has been such a disater. It was simply a place for us to throw everything we didn't know what to do with). So over the holidays it took a good 3 days of sorting things out, recycling, redistributing and just plain chucking and Jonathan spent another 3 days giving it a fresh coat of paint, putting in lots of shelving, new flooring etc...he did a wonderful job. Here is what lays behind the shelf/door....

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Star Light Star Bright Wishing You A Cozy Night

This is suppose to be our Roo (grey, on the left) and Our Ella-Luna (black, on the right, even though Ella is a lop). On the front it will say "Star Light, Star Bright..." and on the inside of the card it will say "...Wishing You A Cozy Night". I won't be offering any prints or greeting cards of this image until the xmas season of 2009.
So though Christmas is long gone, I hope you enjoy this image nonetheless...tonight I plan to finally pack up all our xmas decorations and such, it was on the agenda for this past Sunday but unfortunately a monster migraine decided to keep me captive in bed!
Join me here again tomorrow...where I'll share with you two latest house projects. XXOO Bijou.
Friday, January 16, 2009
It's The Little Moments

For the next hour I was mesmerized by this simple thing...the sun shining and snow slowly dripping off tree branches with a background of swirling glittering snow...No thoughts or plans needed...after my workout my mind was clearer and I felt calmer...it was an unexpected and lovely time...so here's what I am feeling today; That it's the Little Moments, the simplicity of an unplanned moment, the beauty of something unguarded and natural...is often what we'll find ourselves needing and being nourished by....Until next week, be well.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
A New Painting
It is acrylic and coloured pencil on a 5" x5" pine block with sides and back painted black. They will go for sale once all 5 are completed.
Even though I don't 100% agree with it...I plan to spend alot of time this year on series work. I do not have any series work really in my portfolio and I think I will only benefit from doing so. Already I have a couple series planned...this Avian series of 5 (and possibly more later on) will be my stepping stone.
Until the next post, be well and Happy Creating. Kufilaw, (meaning 'Take Care') Mandy Saile of Bijou's Whimsy.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
A Studio Visit & My 2009 Words

Monday, January 12, 2009
Flying Fish Necklace

A pendant I made with my 'Flying Fish' illustration. This one is sold, but I will be making more of a very similar design very soon and when I do, I'll let you know when a batch of the pendants are going into the Etsy shop.
I haven't been into the Etsy shop for some time, but that's because I've been planning to re haul what's sold in there....this time round I am going to try necklaces and nubbins instead of originals and prints. Perhaps I'll introduce prints back in when I have more 'series' type of work because that seems to be what people are looking for and therefore buying. But I'll rant about this at another more opportune time!
Join me tomorrow where I'll share some of my 2009 plans with you. Be Well and Happy Creating.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
A Special Note For Judit Gueth Design
These trade shows are always a massive endeavour and often it takes months prior to the event just to get everything beautiful and ready.
Judit always does a beautiful job and her friends in the frozen Bay are wishing her great success, light and luck. You go girl...ha ha. As always, and not just because she's my lovely and most best friend in the whole world, she's impressed us with her talent and drive.

If we could we'd be popping in to bring her some much needed meals during the long & somewhat grueling show hours...but we're there in spirit, she'll do great, we have no doubts. XXOO.
Photos Courtesy of and Copyrighted to Judit Gueth Design 2009
Friday, January 9, 2009
Stuck In Bed With A Back Spasm!

Thursday, January 8, 2009
Goodbye 2008 and Hello 2009

Goodbye 2008...I will remember you fondly as I excitedly and happily move forward into the even better year of 2009. My dreams from 2008 move forward and expand and grow brighter and more assured...so today, I say "Hello Again" from a beautiful and long break and a wonderful and fun and restful holiday. I say 'Hello 2009". Hello, Hello, Hello I know your full of more goodness and beauty, hardships and lessons and I am ready...I am ready, Hello 2009.