Tuesday, March 31, 2009
More Amaryllis Birds

Monday, March 30, 2009
Forwards with New Necklaces

Monday, March 23, 2009
Help END Canada's Seal Hunt

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
My Third Knitted Hat

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
I Feel So Grateful

Friday, March 13, 2009
Avian Series All Together

Thursday, March 12, 2009
A New Hat & Roo

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Suggesting 'Jason's' Products for the Sake of Those Beautiful Eyes...

Hope this post helps further convert even just one more person to switching over to "Cruelty-Free' and I hope it helps those already in transition to find a product replacements that lets them finally say "I love it, this ones a keeper". Be Well and thanks for your time as always.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
A White Knitted Hat & Good Books

My first every knitted hat and I am quite pleased with the results. It was quick to make and even though I screwed up quite a few times one can't really tell, I don't think! I wove a blue and green silk braided ribbon through just to add abit of spring-ish colour. And I am so pleased with how well the hat matches my beloved white sweater from my nanny that my mom gifted to me a couple months ago.
Also for today, I must recommend these books which I recently finished and really enjoyed. 'Maid Marian' was a fun historical fictional read obviously about Maid Marian and her romance with Robin Hood, not one of the best but enjoyable. I am admittedly a big Luanne Rice fan and have every single one of her books in paperback, her latest "Light of the Moon' was a lovely read that I very much enjoyed. And "The Shadows of the Wind" by Carlos Ruiz Zafron, set in the thuggish and dark 18th century post-war Barcelona, this book is a gripping thriller/mystery full of incredibly huge characters that just grab you and pull you alongside a rich and intriguing mystery and just doesn't let you go, even after you've consumed the last page. I couldn't' put this one down and it is defiantly added to my 'favourites' list, I highly recommend this one.
Monday, March 9, 2009
10 More Things You May Not Know About Me...

Thursday, March 5, 2009
An Art & Ghosts Print From My Honey

Aside from the print we bought, this other little beauty was given to us as an extra treat, which I so appreciated and love because it was, serendipitously, the other print of hers that I was looking at getting. It fits perfectly into one of our dining room frames and there it now happily lives and delights all viewers.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
New Painting "Avian #5"
I am ready to move onto a new series now but I will come back in a day or two with some shots of all the Avian paintings together. The latest one is still drying in the sunshine upstairs and I don't want to mess up it's final coating in my haste to take the photos! which would be my normal protocol!
The last two days I've been working in my upstairs studio which I share with Jin and Hazel...who in the last 2 blissfully sunny days have kept me great company and quite amused by how they happily spend the whole day sunning themselves on their window bench...getting up just long enough to stretch; yawn; eat the banana I've just served and then they smartly turn around to sun the other sides of their beautiful glossy coats, ha ha.
Until the next post, be well, be inspired and be creative. XO Mandy.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Presents From My Best Friend

Monday, March 2, 2009
New Painting 'Avian 4" & Birthday Wishes
I am very pleased with it and they are all looking so lovely together. The golds and silvers in the paintings come through abit more in the scans than in these photographs. I will put the originals up for sale shortly after the whole series is complete. Whether it will be on my new website, at my Etsy shop or somewhere else, I've still yet to determine.
Today is a speacil day...it's my dad's birthday....HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD, my big and strong dad is 58 years young. We'll be seeing you later on this evening dad...
Thanks for stopping in and until tomorrow, by joyful, be inspired and be creative.