Once again she's up for adoption for $60.00 plus shipping and she's really anxious to go to a new home and inspire someone other than me:D Email me if your interested.
I think in a couple weeks I am going to do 'Rabbit Week' and that week I will do posts on things I've been wanting to chat about such as G.I. Stasus in bunnies, Tummy Sludge in bunnies and also Adding Bunnies to you family and what that really entails.
Hopping back to my sweeties now but join me tomorrow for a 3rd Wee Whispy.
and okay now this one IS my current favourite....I love the symbolism, it reminds me that all our bunnies are angels just here to visit on earth for a short time so to enjoy that time everyday no matter how long or short...this piece is beautifully made and has a nice heaviness to it...I still have to find out where this one's from, it was unwrapped awhile ago and it's the one business card I've misplaced!
Anyhow, I hope you enjoy this guy, my newest Funky Fish. The originals have flecks of gold paint and sometime silver, which looks so lovely...I don't know how that will translate to the prints yet but I'll see soon as I'll be putting some in the Etsy shop . The originals are already available at Art On Main . (The original has been sold)
I have started on a few other series on top of the Beautiful Birds and Funky Fish series. Sometimes I get so excited about them I can't sleep!
I've also been slowly converting the upstairs studio space to include space for sewing and stuffie making and I am hyped about that because I've been craving to make more...this weekend I am on a mission to find a bolt of quilters muslin. I've also been playing with clay:D...Really there just isn't enough time in a day is there!
Otherwise it's been a hard week for me, a bad migraine set in late Tuesday, got abit better Wednesday but hit again hard Thursday so I did have to endure my gallery shifts with another bad pounding...people say I make migraines and headaches look easy but that's just because I have a high pain threshold and I am a tough cookie, ha ha but I have to clarify that it's defiantly not easy...especially when your walking around for days on end feeling like puking all over, on top of the pain but because of the pain...ugh...but I have no choice but to punch through the pain and carry on as best I can because if I didn't I'd be in bed with ice and heat packs probably 75% of my life! I think also that I've had this head pain since I was quite young just makes it something I have to deal with, I am not giving up on decreasing the frequency or intensity, don't get me wrong and some days I do defiantly get defeated and end up in a dark bedroom for a day or two...Anyhow, enough about that, I just want to share this with you because it is defiantly part of my daily life and part of my artistic struggle/journey.. Before I head out I must mention my beautiful dear friend Judit Gueth, wallpaper and carpet designer extraordinaire, she's been incredibly busy with the birth of her first baby yet she's still managed to carry on with her business and get some incredible coverage/showcases head on over to her blog to see two new exciting publications she's in.
I posted alot this week so I might take abit of a blogging break, maybe until next Wednesday, but we'll see I usually can't stay away for too long cause I am always so anxious to share new things with you...in the meantime, be well and Happy Hoppings to you:D
Now onto to what I hope will be a good day, late Tuesday I had a super bad migraine where I was almost throwing up all over so I hope today is a good one because my day will be spent at the gallery doing 2 of my 4 monthly shifts but my evening will be full of art making (if the pain lets up) and bunny snuggling(regardless of pain)...hope you enjoy this newest funky fish of mine and hope you have a great day too, thanks for popping in.
p.s. thanks for the responses from my last post, some people emailed me instead of leaving a post comment and I appreciate those letters just as much, thanks guys, especially Katalin Koos and Michelle May. I just had to express and chat about my happy place in life right now. And the fact that you can always still dream, want, desire and seek things out without it meaning your unhappy with your current place.
...whiles most of the other buns are slightly more partial to me (only cause I am the one home with them constantly however) Jaks is very partial to Jonathan....
Oh I just love these shots. They capture the soft sweetness of Jaks so perfectly and the beautiful gentleness in that sweet guy of mine:D...
...he still wouldn't eat! Roo also has teeth problems, he has since he was a little babe. So we took a closer inspection of his teeth, which is never easy! and sure enough they were badly aligned again!
I whipped up this quick sketch to show proper alignment and how Roo's teeth looked...
...some new books were purchased this week which I can't wait to dive into...also newly purchased was a pile of wool so I can start to crochet us a new blanket:D....
...bunny blankets have been freshly laundered and Jinster just loves her fresh and clean and puffy binkies so we know she'll spend some happy dozy hours this Easter Weekend in the sun and on her binkies...