I say
NO to
I love animals
I am an animal lover
and I can't in good conscious use products that are tested on animals...and most often tested on rabbits...
Because the sad and gruesome fact is that millions of bunnies face the horrors of
product testing everyday...
and it's partly because not enough people are protesting it or care enough to make changes & some are just sadly ignorant of what test lab animals go through for us...
YOU OKAY it??? I sure as hell am not.
This blog pledge comes in the form of a paper bunny that is travelling around the globe from
bunny loving blogger to bunny loving blogger.
Bloggers, like yours truly, who LOVES animals, especially rabbits and who vow to buy
(The pledge bunny arrived with a sweet postcard from the previous host & I happily brewed a pot of peppermint tea so I could sit down and visit all the other bloggers who signed the rabbit).
Those participating are hoping to spread the word through our blogs on the
importance of buying Cruelty-Free.
Miss Bunny has travelled well so far...she has visited:
Annette Tait in the UK...than she travelled to a bunny named Jet & her Mama...
Than she went to visit
Gill's Garden alongside buns Daisy and Archie...
Now she's popping in to
me, in North Bay Canada and from here
she'll move onto
Donna Swan & her furry brood in Dallas Texas and from there to a new place and so on...
As I said rabbit's are the #1 test lab subject for cosmetics & household products.
It breaks my heart every single day to think of what's happening those rabbits 'out there'
(hence my dreams of someday opening a rabbit rescue for such sweethearts).
Beautiful rabbits like our Jinny (shown here)...
just because they have very sensitive eyes and skin.
Can YOU be a Part Of That???
I can't...
which is why I've been buying Cruelty-Free Cosmetics & such for years now.
all cruelty-free companies whom I feel good buying from...
(even though neither Avon or Revlon advertise their cruelty-free sides).
Some quickies that I can think of that you'll want to avoid are any products from
Johnsons & Johnsons and Proctor and Gamble as they are BIG testers...
and popular products like:
Aveeno, AquaFresh, Aussie, Arm & Hammer, Always, Acuvue, Biotherm, Calgon, Clairol, Clearasil, Colgate, Clean & Clear, Clorox, Coppertone, Crest, Dove, Febreeze, L'Oreal, Glade, Ivory, Iams, Herbal Esscences, Head & Shoulders, Lacome, Listerine, Max Factor, Maybelline, Nair, Neutragena, Nice & Easy, Pampers, Olay, Old Spice, Palmolive, Ponds, Pantene, Pearl Drops, Suave, Swiffer, Vaseline, Vidal Sassion, Vicks..and so on, ALL of which
even lines such as Christina Aguileras Perfumes are tested on animals.
(refer to
this list for more names, etc)
There's tons of choices for kind alternatives however, you just have to take the time to look, research
and ultimately care.
It's easy to spot the
'Not Test On Animals' line or the not tested bunny logo...
and keep in mind that just because a product doesn't have these identifying marks,
doesn't necessarily mean they are tested...
some companies don't advertise anywhere on their packaging that they are cruelty-free
(though I do find that most who are cruelty-free do advertise as such).
If you don't see the cruelty-free line or logo than just 'google' any brand/product your thinking of buying
or simply look up the ones your already using & which your not sure about...
(don't forget there are always links listed here on my sidebar of Cruelty-Free lists I like to use.
I am partial to
this list &
this list).
There are MANY companies who have 'no-testing' policies...
and it's easy to find out who does and who doesn't and than switch from those who do.
(but don't forget, it helps to take an extra step and send the bad companies a letter or email
telling them why your switching from their products and to voice that kindness is a priority for you...
especially towards those who have no voice of their own).
Some companies that do test on animals, such as Clorox, do have products that aren't tested,
like the readily available line called
'Green Works'.
Is buying these products just lining the pockets of a bad company?
Is it sending them the message that there is a market for Cruelty-Free?
the choice is yours...the latter is better than nothing in my opinion.
You don't have to replace all your items ALL AT ONCE...just finding one replacement at a time can make the task of 'switching over' seem 'less daunting' & are steps towards a kinder lifestyle.
(Jonathan and I are still looking for a really great cruelty-free under arm deodorant)
And it doesn't have to mean more money. That is a common misconception...
And even when it does cost abit more, isn't knowing an animal won't suffer for your choice, worth it?
Sadly, as I said, rabbits, (especially those with red eyes) are the most common test lab subject.
I could never in good conscious, snuggle up to my fur babies,
knowing my make up and products were tested on any of their precious long-eared kind...
I can't stress how EASY it is to BUY CRUELTY-FREE...
AND Not just cosmetics...
But face creams, soaps, oils, cleaning products and perfumes, etc...too.
Avalon Organics has many beautiful products and I can't get enough of their face creams...
I am somewhat of a face cream addict., ha ha...
I have many kinds in the house and ALL are Cruelty-Free
(as you can see I stocked up a a few tubes, ha ha).
There are soooo many lovelies out there....
and usually the cruelty-free brands are also natural or organic lines as well, which is just a bonus!
As with cosmetics and beauty products there are many cleaning products that are cruelty-free.
One of my favourite household line is from the brilliant and fantastic company called
They cover a large range of cleaners including a wonderful Cruelty-Free
wood cleaner that I love using...

I can't praise
'Method' supplies enough.
Seriously, if your not able to get these products where you live they are soooo worth ordering by mail.
(especially the baby laundry detergents...I LOVE them & the
'Rice Milk & Mallow scents ROCK).
Cruelty-Free products are readily available in regular shops like Shoppers Drug Mart, grocery stores and places such as Canadian Tire, Walmart, even Winners/Homesense usually has a lovely selection...
thinking cruelty-free is just a speciality item is wrong.
and what you can't get in town, think about ordering online.
It may not be something you can do overnight...especially if you live in smaller towns, but it is possible and so worth it and most certainly a positive action to really prove that you love animals.
REALLY, Once you start looking for that little
'Not Tested On Animals' line and/or the not-tested bunny rabbit logo, you'll be pleasantly surprised at how often you come across it...
and your be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to put back the products that don't have them....
because kind people want and can make kind choices
& if your still lagging on the decision, than think of any animals you have at home or have ever loved...
Think of them stuck in a small cold metal cage day in and day out
only to be taken out every day for a torture session...
having their eyes pinned open as a monster drops in perfume or detergent or goodness knows what...
just to see if they are scalded or blinded...or worse.
(as a long standing PETA member/supporter you wouldn't believe some of the things these rabbits & animals go through, it truly is heart-wrenching)
I truly think that my bunnies love us just that much more for making the choice to go
I can hear their sweet little hearts say...
Thank You Mama & Daddy....
So please from the bottom of my heart...
Buy Cruelty-Free...
Rabbits and animals around the world will thank you...
especially the sweethearts stuck in Testing Labs.
Our own precious Jinny, Jaks, Ella Luna, Roo and our fur angels Beanie, Thodan, Gimmley, Noodle, Hobbs and Hazel send you all extra love and virtual bun snuggles if you do...
XO Mandy & The Bunnies XO