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Saturday, June 30, 2018

Shop Recommendations?

I am not entirely decided yet but I am thinking about pulling all of my prints & originals off of Etsy
and putting them into my own custom website affiliated shop but do any of you guys have recommendations?  What has been your favorite shop/selling interface?? (email me your suggestions)

I will still be using Etsy because I love Etsy, it's so easy & enjoyable to use and buy from
however I feel like it's time for a major switch up in product and I've been doing a lot of fun printmaking images so I think my Etsy shop will become a new home to my lino-cut editions.

Friday, June 29, 2018

Food Friday

So this Food Friday isn't an ideal for human consumption like normal
but instead an ideal for bunnies if your bunny parents like us, ha ha!
Keeping in mind that anything sugary should be given very sparingly to rabbits
as sugar can very easily set off their gut flora which can lead to gas and stasis.
So whiles a big haul is shown here, this will last us for ages even with 8 treat loving bellies.

We don't bother buying treats in the store, we just make your own because we find that treats
in the store are often full of seeds, corn, dairy (yuck!) and loads of sugar & nasty preservatives.
We just use our dehydrator & throw in bananas, tomatoes, bell peppers, apples, blueberries etc...
put it on over night and usually by late morning the next day everything is dried nicely
and can go in air tight containers for months of healthy treats.
If you already do this or are trying it for the first time with your furries, let me know how they like it.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Missing You Betty-Loo

Today someone asked us how all our bunnies are doing (which we always really appreciate)
and we couldn't help but tell them about Betty-Loo
because no matter how short a time we got to have her
she'll always be an important part of our story and we just broke down in tears.
This person looked at us so gently & smiled and told us that no matter how short the time,
we did a good thing for her and we did our best
and we so appreciate that sentiment, we really do, but with her, it'll never feel like we did enough
and that's going to be hard to get through and past...
accepting that we did do our best & that she did too...

It's been hard to go through and edit the last photos I took of her etc,
I think that's one of the reasons I've not been wanting to blog like normal.
Seeing Henrie without her is difficult because he's obviously very lonely,
he's acting lonelier than when he lost his sister Elsie
and he just never wants to be alone, he's on my heels constantly
always wanting to be picked up & brought upstairs with Leisel & Yuuji...
so we're trying to bond those three but boy oh boy bunnies do take their own
sweet slow time with things typically, they are doing pretty good but not perfect!
It's very frustrating because Misa wants to be friends with Henrie but he wants the upstairs duo!
So yeah...I just wanted to send a shout out to Betty-Loo's memory,
we've not forgotten about her, that will never happen, ever & we are taking good care of her Henrie.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Seeking Beauty

It's sometimes hard to stay positive & happy when you read all the news out there...
it feels like it's all bad...like the story of the kids stuck in that underwater Thailand tunnel, ugh...
or stories recently from certain animal sanctuaries I follow online, it all weighs heavily on my heart.
(which is why I started doing Share Sunday, to share positive & beautiful things).
I always find beauty here in our home & with the bunnies which I can rest my weary heart upon

but we're also lucky to live really close to this beautiful lake and it has the magic touch
of lifting a lot of burdens with a nice dose of sunset gorgeousness.
I know I am not the only one feeling super sensitive right now, it seems to be a 'thing'
straight across all types of people on all types of social media right now, isnt' that interesting!
Tell me my peeps, what is your secret for a much needed spark of joy & lightness???

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Slightly Longer Than Intended

Opps...that was a bit of a longer break than I intended, sorry about that & thanks for your patience!

Head pain, studio drama, etc have kept me away but I should be back to blogging tomorrow XO

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Share Sunday

I only have one link to share with you this week...I keep watching it...
it makes me cry with sadness at the harm humans do BUT also with joy at the animals tenacity
and with pure elated happiness for the mans kind heart & determination for one single little creature.

Please do check out
the powerful story of The Squirrel With No Arms,
I hope it makes your heart feel uplifted like it does for me XO Happy Sunday

P.S.  I'll be taking a social media break this coming week but I'll see you all again on the 18th.

Saturday, June 9, 2018


Well we've had way too much sadness around here the past year with 3 losses in about 8 months,
it has truly been too hard on us but we've had one very good thing happen amidst all that...

Yuuji & Leisel have FINALLY decided they like each other & to bond.  It makes life just a bit easier.
They aren't a kissy huggy pair but they are happier, Yuuji is more active and Leisel is much calmer.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Vegan Food Friday - Beet Patties & Kale

Time for Food Friday because I LOVE food & being vegan and showing people that
us vegans 'don't starve' we get to enjoy all kinds of yumminess that's good for the earth, animals & us.
Anyhow, the one thing in our kitchen that we couldn't do without is our big stainless steel steamer (besides my espresso machine & my smoothie blender!)

Tonight for example we're having this...steamed kale with nutritional yeast (we L-O-V-E it)
with a store bought beet patties on the side (sorry I forget the brand at the moment)
With steamed buttery mashed potatoes with a topping of vegan sour cream...Quick & Yummy.
Enjoy if you give this food idea a try XO

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Pishner Coming Along

Mr Pishner Toppingale is almost complete, the colored pencil part is atleast.  People always ask me how I come up with my character names but it's no secret & it's simple, they just pop into my head.

I have quite a few new pieces to show you all but my scanner is still dead & I haven't found
a decent replacement that I am happy spending my money on yet so bare with me!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Thank Goodness For These Faces During Rough Spots

I am moving slowly this week from a monster migraine that attacked Friday afternoon &
didn't let me go until late Sunday afternoon, I can still feel the remnants...
Thanks goodness for the buns who bolster my spirits as I suffer with their beauty & preciousness.
It's still threatening to circle back around which is one reason I am moving slowly.
My routine is certainly not like most peoples and I still haven't learnt to fully accept that yet.

Whiles it's a waste of time to wish this pain away, it's never a waste of time to see all the silver linings which is that this pain I deal with offers my life magic too, it slows me down so that I can smell all the roses and it plays a large part in my colourful whimsical work, so whiles I can't ever ever say that
I like the pain, I can for sure I am in some strange Wonderland-ish way be thankful for it!
& I gotta say though, it's been great 'meeting' fellow head pain sufferers on Instagram.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Gold Touches

I've been putting little gold highlights on a few original pieces...

whiles watching 'Once Upon A Time', the two activities seem to go hand in hand!

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Snug Sunday

We hope that your feeling as snug as can be on this summer Sunday...

Be extra kind to your loved ones, fleshed, feathered & furry & even kinder to yourselves XO

Saturday, June 2, 2018

A Few Weeks Back

This was a few weeks back, before Betty-Loo died...

We were just out doing our usual ice melting Spring explorations.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Food Friday - Miso Noodles With Vegan Egg

Okay you guys so the vegan eggs that you can buy right now don't actually taste like eggs
(which is okay with me because eggs always made me sick to my stomach
when I actually thought about what I was actually eating!)
and  let me be honest, on their own like as a scamble, they aren't great
BUT if you mix them with stuff or use them in cakes etc they do the job and do it quite well.
I don't think for vegans that it's all about taste replication...it's about an alternate for kinder choices
so if something doesn't taste like it's intended to, it's okay,
because I for one am still happy to have that kinder choice.

Anyhow, I am a noodle fiend...I could eat noodles 3 meals a day.
and this is a recent favorite, especially on those lazier cooking days.
We just use a package of those ready made noodles (a vegan one of course)
and keep in mind that just because they say 'beef' for example sometimes they are still vegan
BUT on the flip side sometimes they say 'veg' but still have fish or chicken, so check the ingredients.
We add in tofu and kale and sometimes mushrooms etc & lately we've been using the Vegan egg
replacer in one of those poaching microwave thingies and putting it on top.
Mixed with the yumminess of the miso noodles, it's really tasty...
don't get your hopes up but do give it a try, you might be happily surprised like me!
(and for happy gut flora, which I always need help with, a good side of fermented beets or kimchi).
Enjoy XO