These days are mostly filled with bunnies...
some stress circles but luckily mostly sweetness surrounds us.
Some sadness floats about still...
like seeing Jaks have bad days or having to move on to enjoy summer days without Frenwyck.
But mostly we steep sweetly in happiness, espeacially when we get to watch
Emmett & Korra-Soleil bounce around the yard together for their first summer as besties,
or as we see soul-buddies Teela and Yuuji chum around like they are tied at the hip (like their folks).
Where we were slow to get outside, now we seem to spend more time outside than in.
These days seem to be embracing slow delicious (currently bug free!) evenings spent outside as well.
We've now gotten everything out there set up and it's proving to be insanely heavenly.
In between normal stuff like getting groceries, running errands, paying bills, picking up rabbit meds...
there's still plenty of time to sit and enjoy and take in delicious beautiful food and snacks together.
I am feeling so grateful for the routine of my life right now...
because even artists with the most wildly successful art careers often crave nothing more
than days in their studio where they can create just whatever they want,
where they are not having to bend to the demands of clients and commissions...
and right now, during these days, I am blissfully able to create exactly
what I am called to create (when pain doesn't derail my creativity that is).
I have well over 20 images coming up that I am just buzzing about...
it's an amazing feeling to want to jump out of bed in the mornings and get straight to your studio.
The pull to my studios is very strong right now
but I have to say that I am happy to have all this other abundant beauty balancing me out.
What are you loving about your routine/days right now?