I had this sketched out ages ago, literally the design sat in my sketchbook for atleast 2 years, than last month I actually transferred it to the paper & when I saw that Illustration Fridays theme this week was 'double', I instantly thought of this image & that it was the perfect time to get it done & I am just so so happy with the colour & how playful yet peaceful the creatures are. It was created slowly but surely because I had a pretty sore head whiles I worked away on this one & well I had to really make sure I was paying attention because coloured pencil is pretty unforgiving to mistakes but it was also made with the beautiful company of my sweet Ella Luna snuggled up to my feet almost the whole time I was colouring it so definatly it has extra good mojo:D....what do you think?
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Life Is Good...Live It...A New Illustration
I had this sketched out ages ago, literally the design sat in my sketchbook for atleast 2 years, than last month I actually transferred it to the paper & when I saw that Illustration Fridays theme this week was 'double', I instantly thought of this image & that it was the perfect time to get it done & I am just so so happy with the colour & how playful yet peaceful the creatures are. It was created slowly but surely because I had a pretty sore head whiles I worked away on this one & well I had to really make sure I was paying attention because coloured pencil is pretty unforgiving to mistakes but it was also made with the beautiful company of my sweet Ella Luna snuggled up to my feet almost the whole time I was colouring it so definatly it has extra good mojo:D....what do you think?
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
A New Mini Promo Site For Art On Main...

Jonathan put so much work & time into this...I always tell him not to but he says he enjoys doing these type of things for me & my business & well I sure do enjoy them as well...they are wonderful interactive photo albums that I can go back to when I want to remember a certain event. The first promo site that Jonathan did for me was for my solo exhibition in 2009 & it can be found here or on my sidebar.
I'd sooo appreciate you taking the time to check this new beauty out, browse around, have a look & than come back here & tell us what you think...we'd so appreciate any feedback, thanks everyone:D....and of course above all the biggest thanks to my sweets.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Art On Main's July Storefront
I hope your weekend was a good one...ours was amazing. Jon & I finally went up to Toronto so I could see my best friend Judit & her cutie-pie 6 month old, that was such a huge huge treat. I also got to stock back up on art supplies & despite the cost of it, that was nice. Than on Sunday Jon and I went to one of the best concerts ever...a post on that coming soon, I can't wait to show you.
I am participating in Illustration Friday's theme of 'Double' this week, one of the images I had just conjured up is perfect for it...I should also have a sweet little mixed media bird to show you as well...so far that is what will be up for this week.
For today I'd like to share with you the lovely window displays at the artists collective I am a member of...these are July's windows and I am always so glad when my work is selected for the grouping...
Thursday, July 22, 2010

When I showed Jonathan the final results this evening his first words were "Ohhh she's cool & kinda creepy..." which is exactly what I was going for, ha ha.
I don't know if this concept comes from my dislike of breakfast!...I've never been big on breakfast-y foods or eating early in the morning...my tummy is usually not ready for food till oh 12-2pm!!!
Or perhaps it was sparked from my sitting outside last night, after the war in my poor noggin subsided, I was sitting in my favourite rocker enjoying the cool evening breeze, wrapped up in a blanket with sketchbook on my lap as I watched all at the same time; Roo stretched out eating raspberry leaves, a chipmunk sniffing Ella's tummy whiles Ella munched on yarrow, a grey squirrel hanging upside down to get birdseed out of the feeder & 2 chickadees sitting side by side on a branch up above all this furry sweet action...all of this was happening without a span of a meter...wonderful, ha ha...so this illustration could also be stemming from my connection with nature & earth...hmmm one never knows what my whimsy filled brain will come up with.
Hope you find her quirky & enjoy...have a wonderful weekend, see yous next week. XO M & the Buns.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Love and Support and Everything...Everything....
This Emmy Rossum song often hits close to home for me & never fails to strum on my heart & always reminds me of the unflinching support I have.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Fauna & FLora 2...a new illustration & print
Friday, July 16, 2010
Jinny & Jaks & Their Bivouwack...
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Owl 2...a New Picture & Print
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Roo Boo is All Better...
Monday, July 12, 2010
The Chippy Is In The Shop...
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Wishing You A Happy Weekend...

Thursday, July 8, 2010
A New Picture...Screech Owl

Prints of this guy are now in the shop in your interested.
A bad migraine set in late Monday night and so I've been having a rough couple days because it just won't go away and in the middle of this heat wave, well let's just say it's starting to wear on me now, so this post will be short. If it gets better I'll post again tomorrow, if not you'll know why I am absent...I just hope it goes away in time for this Saturday for the Symphony Garden Tour where I'll be demonstrating my skills for 6 hours in the sun!
p.p.s. I am included in a great giveaway over at the fantastic RikRak blog, check it out here.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Just Some Life...
...and getting to take a fun tractor ride out to the fields...
...here's my honey on the wagon with me:D I was abit worried because he's still recovering from a major back pull, but he did great.....

This was abit of our last weekend & the perfect soundtrack from it still echoes in my head....how was yours??? what did yous do? See you soon with another new illustration...
Sunday, July 4, 2010
New Illustration "Fauna & Flora 1"
(Prints are now available in the shop. The original however has been adopted, by me! ha ha.)
I hope you all had a great weekend...we sure did, (I'll share some photos soon), despite the heat we still managed to jump in the car for a few hours of adventuring, we spent lots of time by the water, had some great meals, picked over 20 litres of strawberries which included a super fun tractor ride, ha ha and we also fit in lots of gardening, yard work and most importantly of course, the buns got oodles of time outside, so needless to say we're all somewhat pooped but ready to head into this Monday & what will be a very busy week with happy hearts. Thanks for hopping in...come again soon, I've got lots of new stuff to show you all. XO Bijou & The Buns.

Friday, July 2, 2010
My First Ad Spot...
what do you think? I wanted it to be very simple but catchy, do you think it is?

Thursday, July 1, 2010
A New Mixed Media In My 'Celebration' Series

...I've drawn and just finished colouring in the sweetest little bunny with birdie...I can't wait to show you. Be Well all and thanks so so much for popping in and extra thanks to all of your sweeties who take time to leave me a message/comment, I can't tell you how much they make my day.